Tisch reservieren

Looking for a little relaxation?

Would you like to discover Schlosshotel Monrepos and enjoy the many amenities of our beautiful estate? Our great special offers and packages are the perfect opportunities.

Explore "THE LÄND"

There is a lot to discover in the "LÄND" 

Three nights in the Schlosshotel Monrepos, a delicious evening menu and admission to the blooming baroque and the Porsche Museum.

Blühendes Barock - Blooming Baroque Ludwigsburg

The Blooming Baroque Ludwigsburg is the oldest and most beautiful permanent garden show. With its extensive parks and colorful flowers, the Blooming Baroque draws more than 500,000 visitors, large and small, from all over the world every year.


Relaxing lounge with great view.

Just relax after a business meeting or a great event. And, of course, for everyone that is looking for a little time out from the everyday life.


Delicious options for connoisseurs.

At Gutsschenke, you can explore the flavours and highlights of our regionally inspired cuisine.


Nature at its finest.

The elegant English park landscape and magical Lake Monrepos provide the purest relaxation for body, spirit and soul.

Mr. Marcos Angas

Deputy General Manager +49 7141 302-0 +49 7141 302-200 info@schlosshotel-monrepos.de

Schlosshotel Monrepos

Domäne Monrepos 22, 71634 Ludwigsburg
Tel.:+49 7141 302 0

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